Chelsea Wright

Instructional Designer & eLearning Developer

As a former educator, my experience has transferred into my skill and knowledge of instructional design and eLearning development. Collaboration and team-based settings are a crucial step in learner success and I enjoy working with others to meet our established goals. My knowledge of adult learning theories allows me to develop trainings that are engaging and informative.

While I thrive when creating trainings, I have a talent for the analytical aspect of instructional design. With nearly ten years of experience in analyzing data and creating resources for learner success, I'm a results-driven designer who welcomes opportunities for creativity in my work.

I bring passion, creativity, adaptability, and effective communication skills to the table. With these qualities combined with continuous learning efforts, I help make significant contributions in the ever-evolving field of instructional design.

View my Portfolio and Connect with Me on LinkedIn. 

Design Process

The first step is to meet with the stakeholders and subject matter experts (SMEs) to determine a solution to an issue. Based off of the needs analysis, I work with the stakeholders to develop an action plan.

I utilize a backwards design approach to determine the learning objective(s) of the project. A design document is created for an overview and a storyboard is developed for a detailed preview. These are shared for feedback.

Using the design document, storyboard, and feedback as the framework for the project, the prototype goes through alpha, beta, and gold stages with revisions made based off of reviews and feedback.

After the finished product is implemented, I evaluate the data to see if the desired learning or behavior goal was addressed successfully; if not, adjustments are made to the training as needed.


Applied Instructional Design

Instructional Design

eLearning Development

Articulate Rise

Articulate Storyline

TechSmith Camtasia

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